06 Jun


Posted By: John Doe Times Read: 1441 Comments: 0

Vagabond creates functional works of art. The custom motorcycle brand is based in Styria and was founded in 2015 by creative head Paul Brauchart and mechanical engineer Philipp Rabl. Their love for old metal parts and their passion for vintage cars gave them the idea of ​​combining lifestyle and utility and using their craft to create functional works of art for motorcycle enthusiasts. In terms of style, minimalism meets perfection - so in every creation there is the challenge of combining form and function in such a way that the customer experiences a driving experience that is second to none.

Before the duo gets started, ideas are diligently drawn and designs sketched. The two always keep an eye on the wishes and needs of the driver. In the end, we still forge to size here. And what comes out of it is at least as nonconformist as it is conformist.

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